DC Is On My Mind

Today marks exactly one month out from race day for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in Washington, D.C. I am getting excited and starting to realize just how close I am to race day. I wish I had been able to do more speed work the last few months, but unfortunately, I was recovering from a hamstring injury and was unable to. That is in the past and I am only looking to the future and the excitement surrounding this race. I get to go to another amazing race put on by Nike, meet up with runners and friends along the way and enjoy a mini vacation. I am so thankful for the ability to run and travel. In preparation, I have added some fun new laces to my race shoes and am hitting my last few weeks of training hard. It's time for the final few long runs, sprint sessions and photo selfies before the big day!


Have I mentioned yet how much I love the new Flyknit Lunar 2? Seriously, these shoes are great. I have two pairs of the Nike Flyknit Lunar 1 from last year and they use to be my go-to shoe for racing. The new model is just a step better. The designers at Nike took feedback on the tongue of the shoe slipping during running and found a way to lock this down on the new model. They are also so light and flexible while still providing adequate cushioning for long runs. I am already eyeing a pair on the NikeID site. If only $$$ were no object...alas, perhaps they will have to be a birthday present to myself.

Along with race training, my professional fitness journey is taking a new turn. Next weekend I am taking my running coach certification through the Road Runner's Club of America and tomorrow I start studying for my ACE Personal Training Certification. Once I have these two certifications under my belt I hope to start training more clients and become a Nike Training Club instructor. After experiencing the NTC Tour live in Santa Monica, I know this is something that I want to be a part of on a professional level. I have the fitness background, now I just need the credentials. Maybe soon you'll see some NTC classes coming to Ukiah, CA and taught by yours truly. Or perhaps SF will need a new trainer? I can't see the future, but I want to be a part of this global fitness movement and I will do what I can to prepare. 

Speaking of preparing: My nutrition for racing got a huge boost today when I received a few care packages from KIND Snack Company and Nuun Hydration! I love the natural ingredients, fruits and nuts, found in KIND bars and Nuun is my go-to hydration company. I love their flavors (tri-berry is my favorite) and I always feel more energized after a few sips. If you are looking for great natural energy during training I recommend that you give these companies a try and let me know what you think. 


Balancing life, racing, nutrition, work and friends can be a tricky thing. Right now I know I am headed towards a career I love and am starting to know what works and does not work for me during training. I have a lighter racing schedule than last year and am committing to things that help me improve my future goals. I will constantly be learning and growing because that is how I want to stay relevant and continue to progress in my running and in my future career. The Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC is my first big race this year and I'm excited to start my year off in a beautiful city, surrounded by positive, empowering and motivating women. 

See you at the finish line! #WeRunDC