8 Workout Hacks


Working out on a daily basis can be hard. Honestly - it is exhausting and getting sweaty and showering one to two times a day is not always on the top of my to-do list. I know - I run a fitness blog and I'm a group fitness instructor and personal trainer - if anyone should love working out it should be me. I in fact do love workout out most of the time. However - there are some days I really want to sleep in and skip the gym. You know what. Sometimes I answer to those days - but 95% of the time, I go to the gym whether I am feeling like a beast or couch potato. Side Lunge Reach

I want to help you meet your goals and I want to share my top 8 workout hacks for doing your workout on the days when you really just want to throw-in the towel.

1) Plan your workout the night before. Make a plan. Know whether you are doing cardio, weights or hitting the studio. Set an alarm reminder on your phone. Lay out your clothes and don't let anything stop you the next day.

2) Pay yourself when you workout. It doesn't have to be much - but put a $1 in a jar every time your workout. When you have saved enough, use the money to pay for a new workout outfit or a fitness class you have always wanted to try.

3) Listen to a podcast while running. Sometimes music is not enough to keep me motivated. Listening to and getting lost in a podcast can make the miles fly by. Need some fitness motivation - try listening to the Jillian Michaels Podcast - it's one of my favorites.

4) Buddy Up! This is one of the single most important things you can do to ensure you make your workout. You can't be the person that lets your friend down or stands them up for your morning run.

5) Early Riser? Sleep in your workout clothes. You won't even have to think when you wake up in the morning. Just lace up your shoes and you are good to go!

6) Get a fitness tracker and use it. There are many versions of fitness trackers out there. Get one that fits your goals AND USE IT! It doesn't do any good if you just get it and forget it. Set a calorie burn for the day and go after it.

7) Hire a trainer. A few sessions with a trainer can jumpstart your fitness routine or get you out of a rut. Tell the trainer your goals, your desires and what you like and don't like about your current routine. A trainer can work with you to help you find an exercise routine you love.

8) Leave a gym bag packed with gear in your car AT ALL TIMES. You won't have an excuse not to go to the gym or meet your friend for a post-work run if your bag is already stocked with a shirt, tights, shoes and pre-workout snack.

Have any workout hacks I didn't list? Share them with me!