Pre CIM Race Report

Tomorrow is the California International Marathon. I am participating in the relay race with the work team I put together. This year we began focusing more on fitness and running at work and what a surprise - I took it upon myself to put together not one, but two teams for the race! In the beginning I wasn't even sure if we would have one team so I was really happy with the fact that non-runners signed up and trained for the race. It really was a great office bonding experience and tomorrow it all comes together. 

I made training plans, sent out emails and coordinated the teams. Tomorrow will be the true test of how well we work together. Hopefully we can find each other at the exchange points! I have faith that this is going to be a great race. This year, my third time running the relay, I will be running through the finish and I am excited about that! Look for me on course! We'll be in the fun shirts pictured below so cheer for us as we run by - or virtually on Twitter and Instagram!

Yesterday - at the packet pick-up and runner expo I had some fun checking out the booths and finding this giant shoe! How many people could sleep in this? It's huge! Is Bigfoot racing tomorrow? In all seriousness, it was great marketing and the shoe definitely drew traffic to their booth. I also saw my Nuun Hood to Coast van driver! Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the CIM Tweet-Up at the San Francisco Marathon booth today, but I am looking forward to meeting my fellow ambassadors soon. 

Are you running or racing this weekend? Perhaps your racing the CIM? If you are give me a shoutout and I'll look for you on course. Good luck and happy running! Remember to layer up - it's going to be a cold one tomorrow, 25 degrees, yikes! 
