Treat Your Feet

My feet take a lot of pounding. Day in and day out they are one of the hardest working parts of my body. I run miles at a time without allowing them to rest and then I continue to walk, hike, kick, lunge and jump with them. I treat them with massage and try to change out my shoes on a daily basis. Admittedly, switching out which shoes I run with isn't hard for me. As a runner, I have a lot of shoes to rotate through that give my feet varying workouts. Recently I have been rotating through the minimalist Nike Free Flyknit, Nike Lunarglide 5, and a recent addition of the Nike Trail Zoom Terra Kiger. I want to make my feet stronger and less injury prone and mixing up my workouts is one way to do this. Since my marathon, my feet have needed some rest, but it's time to get back on the road and start logging long miles. 

Me and my Lunarglide 5 - NWM 2013 Edition

I have only done one trail race. It was a 10k race just the day after my 20 mile long and run and my body was tired. I had a blast doing it though. Most of my races and distance events have been on the road, which is admittedly harder on the body. I am planning on doing a local Turkey Trot race this next weekend and it is on the trails just outside of town. Trail running is challenging and mixes up the way the body moves. Dodging tree roots, rocks and shrubs on trails is always fun and trains the body to adapt to constantly changing terrain. I'm excited to see where this path takes me in my running journey.

Nike Zoom Terra Kigers

I just recently purchased new trail shoes to help me continue to run in good form while on new terrain. I have never owned specific trail shoes, so I am excited to see how they improve my running. The traction on the sole is excellent and I can really feel it gripping the ground as I run. It's important to have the correct shoes for each different activity that you do so that your feet are properly supported. If you run on the road be sure to buy shoes that are correct for your running gait. If you run on trails, make sure your shoes are built to handle that terrain.

My feet are a part of my body that cannot be replaced. I only get one pair and I want to treat them with the utmost care so that I can continue running for years to come. I encourage you to make sure you always have the proper footwear for your running terrain as well. If you don't know what gear to buy just head to your local running specialty store and talk to an expert. Feel free to ask questions on my blog as well!

~Happy Running!