Motivation from Endorphin Warrior and a Giveaway!

My marathon is only three weeks away and right now I need more motivation than ever as I am hitting burnout in training. Luckily, I have reached my taper weeks and race weekend is in sight! The hills of San Francisco are calling my name and I am excited to conquer them. These final weeks I have been looking to different places for motivation. My training buddies have been a huge help along with run club, the Mission I'm Possible crew and Hood to Coast teammates. Since I have had to do my last few long runs alone, I have looked to my Endorphin Warrior bracelet for some extra motivation. Endorphin Warrior was kind enough to give all the Nuun Hydration runners a bracelet of their choice. I chose one with the phrase RELENTLESS

Pre Hood to Coast race cheer. Look at those Endorphin Warrior bracelets!

Endorphin Warrior makes "products with positive and powerful messaging to wear while running, cycling, working out, sweating, racing - or all day long - to help you train harder and live stronger." I really have been enjoying mine, especially during my long runs. Sometimes, when I'm trying to motivate myself to head out on a run, I look down at my wrist and see the words relentless and they give me that extra push to get out the door and run! 

Choose to be Relentless

Endorphin warrior bracelets come in all different colors and with different phrases to motivate you to get to that finish line. Conquer, Unbreakable, Persevere, Believe - whichever phrase you prefer, there is a phrase to motivate and inspire you to keep pushing towards your dreams. I have partnered with Endorphin Warrior to give one lucky reader a Warrior Training Bracelet of their choice! For your chance to win simply enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below! I know you'll love this bracelet!

a Rafflecopter giveaway