Marathons and I are Meant to Be

Recently I have been struggling with finding new, exciting places to run. I follow Nike Running and their many running photos always inspire me. I found this amazing shot on the Nike Running Facebook page and I wish the girl in this photo were me. Not only would that fulfill my goal this year of modeling for Nike Running, but it would also mean that I had the awesome privilege to run over this amazing terrain. The Oregon girl in me, with an arguably obsessive passion for running and all things swoosh, dreams of one day running here.  

Turning my dreams into reality is hard work. I don't have a clear path towards my goal and I am doing the best I can with the resources currently at my disposal. I inspire on social media and love helping people realize that they are capable of more than they think they are. In the same way, I am inspired by those who follow me and interact with me day to day. Since I was young my goal has been to work in Beaverton, OR for Nike. In recent years, I haven't let that passion and goal go, but I have had to expand my goal to include becoming someone who inspires others to pursue their goals and challenge themselves. I love inspiring others and can't tell you how much it means to me when someone tells me that I have helped them take up running and better their lives. It truly means the world to me and makes all the hours I spend on social media worth it. 

My husband and I are living in Northern California so he can pursue his career dreams and finish graduate school. It's hard for me to always be cheerful about living somewhere where I can't see my corporate dreams becoming a reality. With that in mind, I refuse to give in. When we do finally move to a larger city, I want to have made these years count. Right now, blogging and social media are my connection to expanding my dreams and sharing my passion on a local and global level. So, mastering these skills is something I want to focus on now. 

Motivation from Nike Running

My third marathon is coming up in three weeks. For the third year is a row I am running the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. I can't help but feel like the marathon is my race because of the parallel's that I can draw from it in my own life. All my dreams take time, work and seem impossible. The marathon distance is tough to train for, takes work, sacrifice and at times seems out of reach. No matter the struggles, I refuse to give up on race day and I will get to that finish line if I have to crawl there! I have to keep faith that my career path is somewhat like a marathon. I have lessons to learn along the way, setbacks and triumphs, but in the end, I will reach that finish line. They always say that the journey is the best part, so for me, I am going to try to enjoy the ride. But someday, Nike, you better be ready, because this girl is coming for you and I challenge anyone to beat my passion and persistence. I have big dreams and it's about time I Just Do It.