Monday Motivation Times Three!

Today's motivational monday is one in which I would like to share with you some great people that have inspired me on their blogs and websites. I often need to reach out for motivation, new training techniques and advice and these ladies are my go-to's for inspiration! You really need to check them out if you haven't already. Need extreme motivation? These ladies always help push me out the door!

Winter Vinecki - A fourteen year-old marathoner, triathlete and Olympic hopeful in aerial skiing. She travels the world racing to raise money towards a cure for prostate cancer in memory of her dad. She's an amazing athlete and has some similarities to me: she grew up in Salem, OR and she is an Athleta sponsored athlete! She is currently running a world marathon tour to become the youngest athlete to run a marathon on all seven continents. Check out this video of her marathon in Antarctica below! 

Tere Derbez-Zacher

Tere Derbez-Zacher - I met Tere at Hood to Coast and while I only briefly spoke with her I have learned so much from her simply by reading her blog. Tere is a World Champion Swimmer turned marathon runner training for the 2016 Olympics. She also has a master's degree in sports psychology and reading her blog has already helped me improve my mental training. Need help pushing past those mental blocks? Look here for some great methods of improving your mental endurance!

Jesica D'Avanza - One of my van mates from Hood to Coast, Jesica has a great blog called rUnladylike. She inspired me on Hood to Coast when she crushed her runs and set new PR's! You go girl! Also, her blog is real. If she has a bad training week, she tells you. If training is going well she tells you that too! I've learned a lot about training, life and running from her blog. She's as awesome in real life as on her blog. 

Do you have any bloggers you recommend that I follow? Have you read any of these ladies blogs? Let me know in the comments below!