Meet Running Superstar - Robin Arzon!

Sometimes people come into your life for a reason. I met Robin Arzon last year at the 2012 Nike Women's Marathon. I was an ambassador for the race for Nike Women and Robin was my stylist extraordinaire. I was a bit in awe of her right away, it didn't hurt that she was a runner and all around awesome person! She spent hours with myself and the five other ambassadors during the weekend helping us look our best and trying to coax a "fierce face" out of me during our photo shoots. I definitely need to work on my modeling skills! Thanks Robin for being so sweet the whole time!

Photo Credit: Joe Ferrucci

Robin is from New York, NY and is a reformed lawyer turned ultramarathoner, running coach, and journalist. Seriously, this girl found her passion and went after it. I am working on having the courage to do that this year. I have stepped out of my comfort zone a lot and it is paying off, little by little. I have to give some of the credit to Robin. 

After the marathon, I started following her blog on Tumblr,, and just became amazed at what she has done, in life and in running. She's a tiny firecracker taking on the world in style! I hope you learn a little something about running, life and following your dreams from my interview with her.

Years Running: 7

How did you get into running? Can you share your running history?
During law school, I picked up a 10K flyer at the bank. I had no idea how far that was in miles and showed up at the start. It was a struggle to finish and I vowed to get better. A few miles here and there and I became a runner. Fast forward 7 years and I'm an ultramarathoner. You can create yourself. 

How do you train? Are you a part of a running group? Do you prefer running with a group or alone?
The global running crew community is my family. We are part of a rich running world high on sweat. We do life together, not just train together. Social media keeps us connected from New York to Paris to London to San Francisco and the list goes on. So, no, I don't usually run alone. I run with BridgeRunners and UNDO-ORDINARY in NYC and my entire run crew fam. 

I train hard. My weekly mileage changes depending on whether I am training for a marathon or for an ultra. Weekly: one speed session a week on the track, one tempo, one long run. Those are my cornerstones. 

What is your favorite memory from running? 
Crossing the finish of MS Run the US - 5 marathons in 5 days was the hardest thing I've ever done. I was deliriously tired. But I ran for my mom and she was waiting at the finish. And then I drank champagne from the bottle listening to Jay Z. All was right in the world.  

What race is your favorite? Why?
The New York City Marathon. You cannot beat the energy of NYC. The city shows up to cheer you on every mile. You push the pulse of this place with your feet. I leave a piece of my heart on the course every year. 

What advice do you have for new runners? 
I find it's best for beginning or returning runners to focus on time on their feet rather than miles. For example, go out for 20-30 minutes and don't worry about how fast or slow. Just clock your time. Then, once you feel good jogging 30 minutes, you push it to 35, 40, 45! Incremental progress is key. People get so psyched about running once they start to get into it (I understand!), but it's SO important to build mileage and speed slowly to avoid injury. Generally, they say no more than 10% of your mileage should be added per week. And make sure you have good shoes suitable for running. Get a gait analysis at your local running store and they will watch you run and recommend a pair. Above all-have fun! Mind of miles.

How do you use your blog/social media to influence your running?
SHUTUPANDRUN, my Tumblr, was the jumping off point for me. The year I left law I found myself blogging at the Olympics. It all happened because I took a risk and immersed myself knee deep in social media. The power of the online health and wellness community motivates me every day. There's real connectivity to a life lived in sweat.

How do you fit running in with your daily schedule, work, etc…? 
Running is my life. I left law to pursue my passion- redefining what's possible and widening the aperture of WHO is an athlete. Going for a run is a non-negotiable appointment with myself. Schedule it. Make it happen. 

Do you have any favorite running gear our readers should know about?
Sweating with swagger is paramount to how I identify as an athlete. I believe if you look good, you'll feel good, and perform great. I love Black Milk leggings and Nike Flyknits. I customize my own sports bras. I'm obsessed with lycra so much that I'm rolling out my own limited edition leggings line this fall. Stay tuned! 

Do you run for a cause? How does this influence how you approach training?
I've ran hundreds of miles for MS research and I won't stop until there's a cure. 

Check Out Robin's Journey Running for MS

Robin Believes:
I believe booty shakes are good for the soul and laughter is the true way to a six-pack. 

Want to hear more from Robin? Follow along with her as she changes the world and redefines the athlete on Twitter and Instagram: @RobinNYC

I am so happy to have met Robin. She is a genuine influencer and believer in the power to make your dreams a reality. Follow her journey, get inspired and live the life you have imagined. Hopefully, if you are like Robin and I, that adventure involves running.
