Motivational Monday - Meet Brandy Corrales!

For the second installment of motivational Monday I am introducing you to Brandy Corrales! I first started chatting with Brandy while training for the Nike Women's Marathon in 2012. She was following our ambassador journey and we started to connect through running. 

This past April, I had the pleasure of running with her at the Nike Women's Half Marathon in DC! She was even more amazing in person and inspiring. We ran all over DC together, toured the area and became fast friends. Since then she has been an inspiring and motivating force in the fitness world. I asked her to share her journey with me. I hope it inspires you as it has me!

How did you get into running? Can you share your running history?
I've always flirted with running for weight loss, but finally became passionate about it when I was asked to run the 9/11 Heroes 5K. I ran a 5k four years prior and that was a disaster. This time around I somewhat trained and set a goal, then nailed it. I was on a runner's high and immediately looked for a 10K and signed up. 

How do you train? Are you a part of a running group? Do you prefer running with a group or alone?
I train 5-6 days a week. My schedule is usually 3-4 days of running and 2-3 days of cross-training (weights, swimming, Nike Training Club app and yoga). I would love to be part of a group, so I could push myself even further. Right now it's just me and my treadmill/trails. Since my husband's schedule takes him away for periods at a time it's hard to attend group runs in my area. 

What is your favorite memory from running?
Being invited to the Nike Women's Inaugural Half Marathon in DC by Nike Running. I had such an amazing time meeting you, seeing my running idol, Olympian Shalane Flanagan literally inches away from me (still regret not asking to take a photo with her), and meeting women who I'm a big fan of from the twitter community.

What race is your favorite? Why?
As of right now the Nike Women's Inaugural Half Marathon DC is my favorite because of all the events and sightseeing I got to do. I ran a horrible race which I suffered a bad injury but the memories of the weekend surpassed my finishing time. 

How do you use your blog/social media to influence your running?
I really need to get serious and start an official blog because I have so many thoughts and information to share. Twitter has been a huge influence in my life and running. The community of runners on there has become my extended family. They are always willing to give you advice or words of encouragement to keep you going. I couldn't have done half the things I've been able to without them. 

How do you fit running in with your daily schedule?
It's a necessity, I'm a stay at home mom and I need my sanity. I usually workout when my youngest is napping or when my husband walks through the door, it's go time for me.  

Do you have any favorite running gear we should know about?
Nike dri-fit tanks or running tees. I love that it pulls the sweat away from your body keeping you dry.

Brandy is going to start training for her first full marathon and I can't wait to follow her journey. She says running a marathon is scary and exciting at the same time. I couldn't agree more! It is totally worth it though! I loved meeting her at the Nike Women's Marathon in DC and hope we get to share many more races in our future!

If you want to follow Brandy for running tips and to cheer her on in her training you can find her on Twitter: @OSUlovingirl