I Made the Team!

I Made the Blogger Team!

Today was the day I have been waiting for since I submitted my application to Nuun Hydration to run Hood to Coast on their team. I woke up multiple times during the night and even had a few nightmares about NOT making the team. I was a nervous wreck, seriously! I have wanted to do this race so badly for awhile. I am from Oregon and was at the finish in Seaside about five years ago. There were so many happy, accomplished runners there and I wanted to experience that myself. 

I applied this last year but did not make it into the lottery. As luck would have it, Nuun hydration was putting together two teams of female bloggers and I applied to be on their team. I really want to run this race because:

  • I am from Oregon and this race is in my home state!
  • I put on my Athleta Sponsored Athlete goals that I would run Hood to Coast with them and then didn't make the lottery - I was devastated.
  • I want to take on this challenge with other female bloggers
  • I want my first relay to be Hood to Coast
  • I love that the race is sponsored by Nike
This morning I checked my email and the Nuun Blog repeatedly to see if I made the team. Finally, around 10am the names were posted! I anxiously scrolled down the list and there it was, my name! I had made the team! You can check out their announcement post here. I quickly sent texts to everyone who had supported me and helped me make my video. It was a great morning and I am on cloud nine! I am so excited to meet all the other women who made the team and have a blast together this August! 

Congratulations to all the women who will be running Hood to Coast. I look forward to seeing you all there! Follow my journey here and on Twitter. 
