Shamrock'n 13.1!

Tomorrow is my first Half-Marathon race of the year! I am running the Shamrock'n Half in Sacramento on Sunday and I am shooting for a sub two hour pace. Training the last few weeks has been hard with my recent move and the uncertainty in my life, but I have still stuck with running short 4-5 mile training runs. Yesterday I stopped by my local REI store and picked up some fuel for the race on Sunday. Along with my trusty tube of Nuun electrolyte drink, I purchased two packets of Pocket Fuel for the race. I have yet to try the Chocolate Haze, but am excited to give it a try! Yum!

I still have to pick out my official race outfit tonight from my new Athleta gear. Unfortunately, I don't have a special green St. Patrick's Day outfit, but I love my Athleta performance Relay Capri's so I know I will be wearing those during the race! I will also be sporting my blue Flyknit Nike Running shoes! It will be perfect weather, I can hardly wait! 

I'll keep you posted with a full race report after tomorrow!