I've Finally Moved!

 This past week I finally made the move to my new home. While I'm not completely sure of the area, I am ready to explore new places and find new running routes. I spent a few days getting used to the area and getting unpacked before I headed back to Roseville to film my Nuun Hydration Hood to Coast video entry. It was a lot of fun, and after a bit of editing, it will be ready to submit. I can't wait to see the final product. It's going to be amazing! I can't get over what a great opportunity this is and with some help from my amazing friends with filming, the video is coming together really well. I'll post a link to the video here so you can all see when it is done. And when you watch it, let Nuun know how much you want me to be on their team!

A few of the props from my video!

While my running training took a bit of a hit this week with moving, filming and so much time spent on the road, I may have needed the short break. It's good sometimes to give tired legs a rest. Yesterday with all the shots being filmed of me running I probably ran quite a few miles, too bad I didn't have my GPS going! 

I'm exploring San Ramon today and I spotted a great trail when I was driving in. There were a lot of running groups on the trail as well. I'm excited to give it a try! Hopefully, I'll get in a few miles today and breathe in some clean bay area air!