Happy Easter and of Course a Running Update!

First of all I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter. I hope you were able to spend time with your family, friends and loved ones. I spent the day making a delicious pancake breakfast, watching the Miami Open Men's Tennis final, playing tennis with my hubby, watching a movie and doing a little of Serena Williams New Nike Training Club Workout. It was a great, relaxing day before starting the new week.

Tomorrow I start my first full week working remotely from home. I am also going to join a new gym in the area and start my first triathlon training program. It is also the first day of April, which brings with it the Serena Williams NTC workout challenge. Care to join? All you have to do is download the Nike Training Club app and then do Serena's Core Power workout each day for the entire month of April. I'm excited to start this challenge since her fifteen minute workout focuses on abs! Let me know if you join and we can motivate each other.

In the running part of my life, the countdown to the Nike Women's Marathon in DC has begun. It's just 28 days away until I do this amazing race. I can hardly wait to run it with one of my Sister's in Nike, Brandy. I also am running it virtually with Sheena from Australia. I love you ladies, so glad I get to experience this race with you both. The best part of racing is training and running with friends and DC is going to be an amazing race to participate in. Bring it on April!