Let's Turn It Up

Today was a bit of a breakthrough day for my running. I finally realized that I can be faster, I can push myself harder and each day I will get to my 7 minute mile, maybe even lower. I ran a great 7:56 minute mile pace and it felt good. I realized today that my training needs to be more thoughtfully planned out and I need to run with people that make me faster, that push me harder. I have a few races planned for the year, not too many, but I have them planned so that I can challenge myself and then focus my training on doing better the next race. 

I'm going to stretch more, do more yoga and work hard every day to keep my body strong and focus on reaching my goals. I want to push harder, run faster and meet and exceed my own goals. 2013 is my year to run strong. 

I wanted to run the Nike Women's Marathon in Washington DC so badly, but today I realized even though I didn't make the lottery, or win the entries in the contests from Nuun and Luna bar, I can still run the race from where I am. I'm running the NWM Virtual 10k on March 9 and 10 with thousands of other women around the world, why not do the same thing on my birthday, April 28, for the Nike Women's Half Marathon? I originally thought this race was planned for me because of my birthday, a little silly right? It obviously was not meant to be. Don't get me wrong, if another entry suddenly comes to me or more spots open up I'll be the first one there, but until then, I am coming to terms with running my own race on my own terms and posting my stats to Nike+ from where I am running. 

Nike runs great races, and from running two marathons in San Francisco at the Nike Women's Marathon, I have made  some of my best friends at these races. So virtual training buddies, let's turn it up together. Let's run this race in DC and around the world. How are you going to #turnitup with me?