Happy Birthday Nike+ Fuelband!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the launch of the Nike+ Fuelband. To celebrate, Nike tweeted a picture of their birthday cake, made in the shape of the original black Fuelband! Doesn't it look delicious? I can't believe it has been a year already. I am only 115,000 fuel points away from having earned two million NikeFuel Points and I am super excited to reach this milestone. I should reach it by the beginning of March. 

The Fuelband has really changed the way I train and the way I move. I love competing with my friends and working towards goals together. Whenever I feel like I don't want to exercise and I look at my fuel score, it pushes me out the door. I don't want to break my goal! Right now I am on a 129 day Fuel streak and I do not want to break it. I'll run, shadowbox, shoot hoops or do Nike+ Kinect whenever I need to earn more fuel. 

I can't wait to see how the Fuelband evolves this year and am looking forward to pushing myself every day. Think you're up to the challenge? Join me and we can move the world together!