Crossfit, New Tunes and Running!

It's been a while since my last post. This week has been so busy, I apologize for the delay! The basketball team that I coach had three games this week, of which we won two, so it was a pretty good week for them. With work, coaching and keeping up with my own fitness time just seems to fly by.

This week I tried my first Crossfit class on Wednesday and my second on Saturday. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I was excited. The workouts were tough and I did so many squats! The Workout of the Day (WOD) changes each time, but it is always challenging. It's kind of like intense circuit training. We did a short 800 meter sprint followed by 21 squats, 12 pull-ups, a 400 meter sprint, 50 burpees, 75 push presses and 100 squats with weight. We repeated this sequence twice and ended with a 1000 meter sprint. My quads have been so sore all week. Running on Friday and Sunday I could really feel my legs. I do think this is a great workout and the instructors at this gym really challenged me to push my limits. If you have a chance to give it a try, do it! Often there are great deals on Groupon!

Also this week, I found an interesting article about workout mixes. Did you know that you can get workouts on iTunes that are guided by athletes such as Kara Goucher and Serena Williams? Read the review here and then head over to iTunes to check them out. They were made in 2009 so the songs are older, but having Kara and Serena talk me through a workout is pretty exciting!

During my running this week I was very happy to be able to do a few runs in sub-8 minute miles. I'm focusing on speed this year so this is positive news. I'm hoping to push the pace this next week and see what happens! Any tips for speed work? Leave me a comment with your advice or encouragement!