Sometimes it only takes a moment...

Sometimes I need to take a moment to pause and just think about how far I have come in my life. It's very hard sometimes to put in perspective where I was a year ago in comparison to where I am now. The team at Digital Royalty came up with a great concept for taking a moment in your busy day to just breathe and reflect. It's called, "Ready, Set, Pause." This week they even launched their very own Twitter handle @readysetpause to help implement this concept into our everyday lives. The idea behind it is that you take a moment in your busy day to just stop everything you're doing and give your body and mind a chance to pause and relax. It doesn't have to be long, it can be thirty seconds or 10 minutes, it just needs to be enough to let you feel rejuvenated. 

My implementation of the Ready, Set, Pause concept.

I have been trying to implement this concept into my life this week. I have so many changes and so much going on at all times, sometimes I get too caught up in what needs to be done that I don't take time for myself. Yesterday was one of those days, I don't think I stopped moving until after 11 in the evening. Today, all my rushing caught up with me. I finally had to realize it was time for a ready, set, pause moment. It made a world of difference, just consciously taking the time to clear my mind and focus on me helped to calm me down and put the days activities into perspective. 

As this year ends I can reflect on all that I have done and see that I was anything but complacent this year. From becoming a Nike Women's Marathon Ambassador, coaching high school girls varsity basketball, named a FitFluential ambassador, working a full time job, blogging and writing, my year has been full of new and exciting opportunities. I can only imagine that 2013 will be even better. 

With plans to get more involved with FitFluential, continue to work with Nike, blogging, studying to become a personal trainer, participating in my first triathlon, and hopefully opening my own studio, my time is going to be limited. Luckily, I have learned the importance of taking a moment for just me. 

Ready, Set, Pause

Happy Holidays!