Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had an amazing day and that all your Christmas wishes came true. I had a great day with my husband and my parents just relaxing at Sun River Resort in Oregon. It was definitely a great idea to rent a cabin and spend time appreciating family. The snow today was gorgeous and I got to go out for a bit of a walk/run and took some great pictures with my family. It's definitely nice to be able to just get away from the everyday life events sometimes and appreciate the small things.

My dad and I went ice skating this evening, and while I don't think the US National Hockey team will be knocking on my door anytime soon, I still had a great time. With only one fall to speak of, I would say that today was a success. I was even getting into a bit of a rhythm near the end of our hour and a half of skating. I was definitely a bit too bundled, skating is a great workout and I was roasting, too many layers! I was a bit worried that I would not reach my Nike Fuel goal today because of all the lounging that we were doing, but ice skating really burned those Christmas calories!

Even when I don't get a workout in at the gym, I still find ways to stay active and keep my body guessing. Aaron and I even tried to get into the gym at the resort but we were turned away because we were not homeowners here. Oh, well, that will come soon enough...I hope! We decided we would make our own workout and instead shoveled snow off the balcony...tough work! I don't think anyone has shoveled the snow all season long, they must have known that some crazy fitness fanatics would be by just in time to clear the deck of three feet of snow!

I couldn't be more thankful for great friends and family this holiday season. How was your Christmas? Did you find any creative ways to stay active and enjoy time with your family?