Christmas Eve In Oregon

Christmas eve is upon us and I am finally back at our cabin relaxing in the comforts of home. We have a fire going, a classic Christmas movie on the TV and just finished a great Christmas eve dinner. Today was an amazing day for the slopes. My family and I headed up to Mt Bachelor this morning to escape the Christmas hustle and bustle of the shops and ski and snowboard on the powder. It was a great day for boarding and the weather was fantastic. I must say that it was one of my favorite Christmas eve's ever. 

I got to sport my brand new White Ice Nike+ Fuelband from the @nikefuel team. Thank you so much for making my Christmas on the slopes amazing. I was so happy to be able to test out this Fuelband today on the slopes. Turns out that snowboarding burns a lot of NikeFuel. With the powder getting heavier throughout the day my legs were definitely getting an amazing workout. I have to thank Marie Purvis for her amazing #NTC workouts and Nike Running for pushing me every day to work harder and become faster. My goal next year is to get to an average of 7:30 minute miles. I can do that for about one mile now, but in order to maintain it I will need to train hard. Luckily I know that Nike Running, Nike Women, Marie Purvis and my Sisters In Nike will be by my side encouraging me along the way. 

I love being back in Oregon and one of my favorite things is the Marionberry milkshakes in Sisters, Oregon at the Sno Cap Drive-In. I used to get these on weekends when I worked at a summer camp nearby. I've been trying to work on going vegan, but for this trip I made an exception and it was worth it, YUM! How are your holidays going?