Countdown to San Francisco!

Today marked the beginning of my packing for the Nike Women's Marathon! I am having such a hard time deciding what to bring. I have my race day outfit picked out and packed in my carry on bag. I'm not taking a chance that my bags get lost with my important gear! I am trying to make a list of all the important gear to bring. I don't want to forget anything important to race day success!

So far my race day packing list includes:
  • Tank
  • Lunar Glide Nike Running Shoes
  • Sports Bra
  • Capris
  • Socks
  • GPS Watch
  • Fuelband
  • Clif Shot Bloks
  • Sweat shirt
  • Lightweight jacket
  • Training Shoes
  • Camera
  • Phone charger
  • Casual Clothes
  • Toothbrush, etc! 
  • Dress for a night out in SF
My mess of a suitcase (packing in progress)

Anything I'm forgetting? My suitcase is a wonderful mess of Nike gear and casual clothes for exploring San Francisco. I can hardly wait to get there! The hotel looks amazing, I received my itinerary from Nike Women this week, and I can't wait to participate in all the weekend events and live NTC classes! Only one more day of work and I am off to SF and a weekend immersed in living my life with a "Just Do It" Nike attitude!

I am so ready to #runnwm!