A Defining Weekend!

This weekend I was able to realize one of my dreams of the last few years. I was finally awarded my black belt in tae kwon do. It was an amazing experience and one that I won't soon forget. The testing and tournament were held in Reno, NV. I stayed there Friday through Sunday, and while it is definitely one on my least favorite cities, I felt like the second hand smoke shaved years off my life, being a part of this ceremony was very exciting. 

After a demonstration of our forms, self defense and board breaking, I also participated in the tournament. It was a great experience and really showed me how far I have come and how much I still have to learn. Saturday evening was our black belt ceremony. It was a very humbling experience and when my name was called I was "knighted" for lack of a better word. The Grand Master tapped both my shoulders with a sword. It was a very special event and when it was over I enjoyed celebrating and taking pictures with my fellow students and instructor.

My Instructor and I after I received my black belt!

This next weekend will mark another milestone in my life and another realization of my dreams. First I will get to meet the amazing ladies from the Nike Women team that have made this whole experience possible, second I will get to train and stretch with Marie Purvis (my training plan creator) all weekend, third I will get to meet and run with my #SistersInNike and fourth, I will get to try for my first marathon PR! Unfortunately, I am fighting a cold that I caught from one of my classmates this last weekend so I am resting and taking vitamins like crazy! I want to be 100% for race day. 

My Marathon Game Face! Game on World!

Thursday I leave for the Nike Women's Marathon and I am so excited to begin this part of my journey. I have yet to pick out my official race day outfit but I know it will involve my Nike Lunar Glide 4's and a pair of capri's! I need to leave plenty of room in my suitcase for all the new Nike marathon gear I will be bringing back with me but I don't want to overpack either. Oh, the struggles of packing for the weekend of my dreams. I just want everything to be perfect! 

What are the must haves that you pack for race weekend? Any tips for how to minimize what I pack for maximum space saving? I need your tips friends! What did you do before you went for your first marathon PR?