Two Weeks to Go!

Today marked the final two week countdown to the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco! At this time on October 14 I will have officially completed my second marathon, but this time with the Nike Women team backing me up along the way. I have learned so much about training, recovery, fueling and the power of motivational training partners through these past few months. I can't wait to see all of my training come together on race day.

Gorgeous path for a long run

My second to last long run was today, 11 miles and it went very well. I was able to complete it in under two hours and at this pace should be able to reach my goal of a four hour marathon. With only six more runs, NTC and yoga left on my training schedule, race day is just around the corner. It's hard to think about other things throughout the day and a part of me doesn't want this journey to come to an end. Luckily for me there is always another race around the corner!

Nothing like stairs, stairs, stairs!

On April 28, 2013 the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon is coming to Washington DC! I have never traveled there and know that this race will be a perfect reason to go. Plus, the race is on my birthday, what a perfect sign that I'm meant to run this race. I'm already making plans for this weekend. Washington DC here I come!

Planks from #NTC

Today was a great day for a bit of a photo shoot to remember my training and show how far I have come. It was a gorgeous day for running and for enjoying some sprint and NTC training at the track. Even as training is winding down, I am feeling more excited for race day and looking forward to focusing on speed work during the fall. 

The power of stretching

Training has really taught me the value of stretching and yoga. It does amazing things for keeping injuries at bay and keeping tired legs healing quickly. I got a good amount of stretching in this Sunday and I planning on focusing on healing my body for the next few weeks through yoga and stretching. I want to be at 100% by race day and rest, recovery and tough mental thinking will get me there. Bring it on San Francisco! I am ready to #runnwm and rock this race!