Taking a Leap of Faith!

This weekend was a weekend of firsts for me. I had my first 20 mile long run and my second mid term for black belt testing. Like the picture above shows, my life over the past few months has been a result of a decision I have made to not be satisfied with where I am in my life. I have decided to work for my first marathon PR and get my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. 

My journey to becoming a black belt has been a long one over the last two years. I have gone through many life changes throughout that time. It is an interesting timeline to see. In a span of two years I have gone from living in Oregon to becoming a Californian (which I am still not totally ok with) how I miss you Oregon..., I have gone from being single to married, had two different jobs, become a Nike training ambassador and really expanded my world and reach through this blog. 

My favorite Nike Lunarglide shoes and my Tae Kwon Do testing spirit!

As far as my running goals and ambassadorship, I am incredibly excited to have been given this chance. Training with Nike has given me a new outlook on life and what is possible. For the first time in my life I am seriously considering following my dreams and working towards my goals. 
I have never run over 100 miles in a month. I looked at the Nike+ running site to track my progress and over the last 30 days I have run 151 miles! That is such a great accomplishment for me. It is just proof of the work that has gone into my training and what taking that leap of faith can do. 

I dare you to take a leap of faith and pursue your goals. You never know what might happen when you open yourself up to the possibility of something new.