Healthy Pizza

I am always looking for a way to add some extra health benefits to common foods I enjoy and pizza is no exception.

This past weekend I was tasked with making pizza and was faced with the challenge of making it healthy. This is what I came up with.

I started with a whole wheat crust, spread a layer of tomato sauce, then added the tiniest sprinkle of cheese, spinach, mushrooms, olives, artichoke hearts, onions and fresh sliced tomatoes. It was the most delicious pizza I think I have ever tasted. Plus, I didn't feel bad after eating it, I just felt like I had actually fueled my body properly. It was piled so high with vegetables it looked more like a salad than a pizza, and I know it was packed with health benefits.

I followed my healthy eating with a tough 45 minute Nike Training Club workout and a 3 mile run. It was a great way to end a perfect day. Give this pizza a try, you'll love it!