3 Day Weekend Fun

This President's day weekend I am spending time doing good things for myself. I am spending my extra few hours free from work to do things I wouldn't otherwise have time for. I had time to play some tennis and watch some Jr's matches. I participated in a Taekwondo tournament, went for a run and enjoyed spending some free time reading and relaxing at home.

On a healthy eating note, I was able to make homemade tomato quinoa soup, fresh cornbread and healthy smoothies. I love having time to just catch up on the things in life that I tend to ignore (and it was nice to finally be able to deep clean my apartment).

All in all, holidays are a time to rejuvenate and find the time to do the things in life that are normally left to a later date. This 3 day weekend was a great time for me to relax and make time for the things I enjoy. I'm already looking forward to my next mini vacation.
Karen Poole