Zooma Napa Valley Runner Report - Stephanie Pope


The ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors are excited to bring you our Zooma Napa Valley Runner Reports! Each week we’ll be featuring a ZOOMA Napa Valley half marathon or 10K runner on each of our blogs. As women runners, we want to use our role as Ambassadors to highlight and share the stories behind the incredible women preparing to run ZOOMA in June. Each runner has a special and unique story, and we invite you to learn about our runners through this series. Please feel free to click through the links at the end of each post to read about additional ZOOMA racers. ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors

Runner Report: Stephanie Pope


Age:  32

Current City: Napa

Race (10K or half marathon):  10K

Why are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley?

I am running in the ZOOMA Napa Valley because my friend Sarah told me about it, and it sounded like a lot of fun.  This will be my first 10K race even though I have been running for a while now.

When & why did you start running?

I started running about 10 years ago when I moved to Napa.  It was an inexpensive way to stay in shape.  I wasn’t serious about running until about a year after my daughter was born.  I had quit the gym and noticed that I had started putting weight back on, so on Thanksgiving Day I ran 5K with a few friends, and I hadn’t run in over a year!   I really liked it, and it was something my daughter and I could do together since she actually enjoyed being in the stroller.  I really got hooked when I started to notice improvements not only in how my clothes started to fit, but that I was getting faster.  It’s become addicting to watch my min/mile decrease!

How many races have you done & which was your favorite?

This is my first race, so I don’t have a favorite yet.

If you could pick one celebrity to run with, who would it be & why?

If I could run with one celebrity it would be Jessica Simpson because I feel like I could connect with her on many levels.  Having watched her struggle with her post pregnancy weight and managing to get back into shape is really inspiring. I think we could laugh about raising our kids and just have a good time!

What is your favorite running memory?

My favorite running memory is a run I went on with my parents and husband while we were on vacation in New Zealand.  We were staying in Rotorua and had decided to run through a Maori Village and a California redwood forest.  It was really neat to see the history of the native people while at the same time finishing up in a place that reminds me so much of home.  It was perfect weather and the sound of my shoes plodding along through the underbrush was soothing.

What is your one running must-have?

My one running must have is a great sports bra… I know it sounds ridiculous but if none of my good ones are clean I won’t run.  The girls need good support, and if they aren’t then the run will be just too uncomfortable.

What is your favorite post-run indulgence?

My favorite post run indulgence is a handful of pistachios… I know not that indulgent, but usually I just come home have some water and stretch, so when those are in the house it’s a treat!

Who is your running inspiration?

My running inspiration is not just one person, but a few and it will sound corny, but any of the Biggest Loser contestants that have stayed on the show long enough to run the marathon… In my head I always think that if these people can overcome such big hurdles to get that far, why can’t I.  You don’t have to be skinny or fast to run, you just have to put one foot in front of the other.

What is the most important lesson you have learned from running?

The most important lesson I have learned from running is that my body is able to do some amazing things!  Mt physical self is able to accomplish so many things if I just turn off the negative thoughts in my head.  It feels awesome to finish a run having not walked at all through the duration, all because I didn’t let myself give into negative thinking!

Read about more of our featured Napa Valley Runners on the ambassadors blogs here:

If you want to get in on the fun be sure to sign up! For more information about the race head over to the Zooma Run website. Sign up and receive 10% off registration with code: NAMB3 I hope to see you there!

Are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley and would like to be featured in our Runner Report series? Email runningonwaffles@gmail.com for more information!