Zooma Napa Valley Runner Report - Karen Poole

Image The ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors are excited to bring you our Zooma Napa Valley Runner Reports! Each week we’ll be featuring a ZOOMA Napa Valley half marathon or 10K runner on each of our blogs. As women runners, we want to use our role as Ambassadors to highlight and share the stories behind the incredible women preparing to run ZOOMA in June. Each runner has a special and unique story, and we invite you to learn about our runners through this series. Please feel free to click through the links at the end of each post to read about additional ZOOMA racers.

 ZOOMA Napa Valley Ambassadors

This week we are spotlighting ourselves, the Napa Valley Ambassadors! Here is why I am running Zooma Napa Valley on Saturday!


Name: Karen Poole

Age: 27

Current City: Ukiah, CA

Race (10K or half marathon): Half Marathon

Why are you running ZOOMA Napa Valley? 

I am running the ZOOMA Napa Valley race to challenge myself. It also will be a fun race to do with friends and meet up with a few of my Hood to Coast teammates from last year. I can't wait to run through Napa and take in the beautiful scenery. It's a race that empowers women and inspires runners to train hard and get that PR! I'm hoping to run my fastest half marathon yet and Napa will be a great place to do it!

When & why did you start running?

I started running road races back in 2009. I originally started running as a way to keep fit after college. I played on the basketball team during my college years and needed to find a way to fill my time when I no longer had two hours of practice to attend every night. I keep running because of the way it makes me feel and because of the amazing people I have met through running.

How many races have you done & which was your favorite?

I have done 15+ races and my absolute favorite is the Nike Women's Marathon series. I did my first marathon at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in 2011 and had a blast. It was such an empowering race and I met so many great people there. I have been back every year since. It's by far my favorite event.

If you could pick one celebrity to run with, who would it be & why?

I would run with Kara Goucher or Jennifer Lawrence. They are both such empowering and inspiring women with a great sense of humor. I can imagine them pushing me to run faster and harder, but also laughing during our running. Racing with them would be absolutely amazing!

What is your favorite running memory?

Crossing the finish line of my first marathon in San Francisco was the absolute best feeling. It was so empowering and opened up so many doors for me. My favorite running memory sparked from that experience. This year I had the opportunity to go with Nike to Portland on the Zoom Project. A weekend of running with elites and runners from around the world. You can read all about it here. It helped me realize that I can always improve and there are always tools and coaches to help me get better.

What is your one running must-have?

I have way too many must-haves! I have to run with my Nike+ GPS watch and the new Nike Flyknit line of shoes is amazing. I love running in them. They fit like a second skin.

What is your favorite post-run indulgence?

I love eating a giant muffin or gelato after a race. After running that far it is treat time! Carbs are my favorite treat!

Who is your running inspiration?

My running club friends from San Francisco and my fellow ambassadors from Hood to Coast, Nuun, the Nike Women's Marathon and Zooma Run are all a huge inspiration to me. They are all strong women doing extraordinary things in running. I always find that they motivate me to train harder.

What is the most important lesson you have learned from running?

The most important lesson I have learned from running is that no matter how hard a situation gets, you can always get through it. Marathons are painful and training is not always fun, but when you are committed to a goal, no matter what obstacle gets in the way, you can overcome it.

I hope I will see you at the race this weekend in Napa. Say hi if you see me around! Check out the other ambassadors blogs and runner reports here:

Miriam @ Long Run Happiness Kat @ Dream Body Warrior Lynda @ Fitnessmomwinecountry Karen @ Reason to Play Kara @ Welcome to Karadise Nicole @ The Slow Life