Get Spartan Fit & Win a Spartan Race Entry


Yes, you read that right, I'm back partnering with Spartan Race to give you guys a free entry! I finally ran my first Spartan Race last year in Sacramento and had a blast. It was tough, but I was tougher. Now I want to give you a chance to win an entry to run your first or 10th Spartan Race! First things first. The founder of Spartan Races, Joe De Sena, has written a new book called Spartan Fit! It's due to hit shelves on August 2 and I was able to preview it and share all the goodness with you.

Get Spartan Fit and Win a Spartan Race Entry

I love reading fitness books, and this one is especially motivating. It has it all: motivation, fitness plans and nutrition guides. It has everything you need to run your best Spartan Race and conquer any fears you may have. It will also teach you to deal with any event that may come your way.

The Story of Spartan Race

From the first page it is riveting and inspiring. First, telling the story of Jay Jackson, who survived a crazy home invasion through grit and his years of practice and training. A Spartan without the Spartan Race. Because honestly, anything challenging can become your Sparta.

Following a few motivating stories, the book covers the history of the Spartan Race and the philosophy of survival and pushing our bodies to respond to stress and constant training.

Then comes the meat of the book, actually training for a Spartan Race. Not just training, but strength, conditioning, stretching, recovery, and nutrition are all covered.

Get Spartan Fit and Win a Spartan Race Entry

A lot of times people sign up for races and then leave training to others. They expect to just show up and do it. But 90% of becoming a true Spartan is putting in the work to train so you can truly challenge yourself and become your best self. This book will tell you how to train and even give you a step by step training plan and recipes to keep your nutrition on point.

Pretty cool, right?

Pre-Order Your Own Copy of Spartan Fit

So, pre-order today and start training for one of the hardest, most rewarding races of your life. I know you will love it!

Wondering what race you should sign up for? Check out the video below to learn about all things Spartan Racing! There are four different Spartan Endurance races - Hurricane Heat, Hurricane Heat 12 hour, Ultra Beast, and the new Agoge. Choose which one is right for you and start your journey to your best self yet!


Sold yet? Well, this might be the final kicker to get you to a Spartan Race or maybe your second or third race! I'm giving away a free entry to the Spartan Race of your choice! Enter the rafflecopter giveaway below until July 22nd!

a Rafflecopter giveaway