Train Yourself to Become a Morning Runner


If I could just get rid of mornings all together I would. Can't we all sign a petition and make sure nothing is required of us before 10am? I know, I know, I'm taking this to the extreme, but lately morning runs have not been something I want to do, even though I need to. If you want to get a morning run in before work you have to wake up and get out of the house before the crack of dawn. Easier for some people than others, namely me. However, it is possible to become a morning runner - at least some of the time. Believe it or not, I have done it in the past!

Race training, when it gets to Marathon distances, pretty much requires that I wake up and get early morning runs in before work. There are just too many miles to be run. So, I have developed strategies to help trick myself into waking up, lacing up my shoes, and clocking those early bird miles.

5 Ways to Train Yourself To Become a Morning Runner

Plan Ahead

You really want to make sure you are completely prepared before you go to sleep the night before your run. Lay out your clothes and plan your pre-run fuel. Something as simple as not being able to find my favorite socks might be enough to convince me to hit the snooze button and curl back up under the covers for some more zzzz's.

Train Yourself to Become a Morning Runner

Schedule Your Time Wisely

In the morning you need time to wake up, get your run in, shower and prepare for work. Don't push the run too close to when you must be somewhere else. Set an alarm and don't allow yourself to push the snooze button. In fact, place your alarm across the room so you have to get up to go turn it off. Once you are up, the rest should follow.

Go to Bed Early

It seems like this should be a no-brainer, but for some reason whenever I need to wake up early I end up going to bed even later than I normally would. I have no idea why I seem to have this pattern. But I am working on it. If I have a 5 or 6am wake-up call, I try to get in bed around 9 in the evening. I'm a much happier person if I still can get my 8 hours of sleep.

Be Safe

Along with the first step, you should set out your safety gear the night before. Set out your reflective gear and a head lamp or pepper spray with your running gear. It's better to be over prepared then unprepared for potentially dangerous situations. And be sure to research safe running routes and stay aware of your surroundings while on the run.

Train Yourself to Become a Morning Runner

Enjoy the Run

This one often comes naturally once your are out of the house and a mile or so into your run. There is nothing like the feeling of endorphins and seeing a beautiful sunrise to make it all worth it. It may be early in the morning, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the run. Embrace the wonder of the streets or trails and appreciate how you have been blessed with the freedom to run where and when you choose.