Track Tuesday with Nike San Francisco


Tuesday I headed to the Bay for a killer track Tuesday workout with Nike San Francisco. I always love being coached and running with a group, especially Nike+ Run Club. The energy is so much stronger surrounded by others breaking a sweat. Plus - members of my awesome Concrete Runner's Crew were here and it was great to catch up! Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

Arriving at Kezar Stadium for Track Tuesday

It was a chilly, fog filled day in San Francisco. Cold if you were just sitting and not moving, but perfect weather for a speed workout. I love running in the 50's and low 60's and I couldn't have asked for better weather. This particular workout was a mix of a lot of different intervals, so I never got bored.

I had actually arrived a few hours earlier to coach one of my running clients, so waiting around I got a little chilly, but that was no problem once we warmed up.

The Warm-Up

We started with a brief warm-up jog around Kezar Stadium, which was about a mile long. Then we did some knee hugs, dynamic hamstring stretches and a few other moves to get our bodies ready for the intense workout about to take place.

Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

We were all divided up into our individual pace groups and Nike had pacers tracking the appropriate times for each interval. I love this because I didn't have to focus on my watch, I just had to focus on running fast.

Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

The Workout

1 x 1000 @ 10k pace 4 x 400 @ 5k pace 1 x 800 @ 5k pace 3 x 300 @ mile pace 1 x 600 @ mile pace 2 x 200 @ best pace 1:00 recovery after 10k pace 1:30 recovery after 5k pace 2:00 recovery after mile pace 

Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

The first few intervals really helped me warm up and the speed got progressively faster as we continued the workout. I especially liked the 300's and 200's because I could go all out for a short period of time.

This speed workout was no joke and really helped me get in the zone. After we finished the sprints, we all stretched together as a group (something I sometimes neglect on my own) and were treated to a snack from KIND bar and some bananas.

Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

The Benefits of Working Out with NRC

I love working out with Nike+ Run Club because I always learn something new and meet new friends with a passion for running. I feel like these runners are my family, even if I only see them every so often. We share a similar passion for the sport and that is evident in how we interact.

Track Tuesday's with Nike San Francisco

If you're looking for a way to enhance your workouts and develop speed, I highly recommend you seek out a local Nike+ Run Club Track Tuesday or similar team environment wherever you live.

All Photos: Spencer Cotton for Nike Running