Top 5 Benefits of Hiking with Baby


On the trail to Hanakapiai Falls, on the Napali Coast of Kauai, I ran into a woman somewhere around 7 months pregnant. She looked at me with Logan strapped to my chest in the Ergobaby carrier and told me I gave her hope that she would still be able to go on adventures after having her baby. She mentioned that she was worried this would be her last hike. I reassured her that she could still go anywhere she wanted to go, just bring your child along for the fun! This exchange got me thinking about how people view having a baby. I've heard from many parents that they aren't able to do these things after having a child. I don't believe that is true! I believe it's all in what you want to do and your ability. I'm always looking for ways to exercise and bond with Logan. I have enjoyed hiking since I was very young and sharing that love is a natural way for me to get outside, burn calories and go on adventures with my mini-me.

5 benefits of hiking with baby

For me, I am able to carry Logan for hours. At 17 pounds, I just consider him my permanent weight vest (and heater) and look at hiking as my time to get in an extra calorie burn. I want to encourage everyone, whether you have a baby or not to get out and enjoy nature and get in as much activity as you can.

If you have been avoiding hikes and getting out because you have a baby, look no further than the next paragraph to understand why I make hiking a priority and I think you should too! Even if you don't have a little one, you can apply many of these principles to your own life. Going on hikes with friends has similar benefits. You really can't go wrong with gorgeous scenery and great company!

5 benefits of hiking with baby

Top 5 Benefits of Hiking with Baby

  1. Exercise. Raise heart rate and increase cardiovascular health and bone density. Hiking and walking is a weight bearing exercise that helps build bone and raise your heart rate.
  2. Relaxing for baby. I pop Logan in his front carrier and away we go. He loves hiking! In fact, we recently hiked 8 miles of the Napali Coast on Kauai with Logan in a front carrier and he was in heaven. We were gone for around 5 hours and he loved the whole trip. Just remember to keep baby hydrated, fed and changed along the way!
  3. Baby gets to go on adventures and see new places. Getting your little one out and about helps him (or her) learn about the world and enjoy quality time with his parents away from distractions, like phones and computers. You'll both love seeing new places together.
  4. Reduces stress & depression (for you mama!) Being a new mom is stressful and I know it doesn't get easier with the more children you have. Getting out in nature and focusing on doing things that benefit you and your baby will help you relax.
  5. Helps drop the baby weight. Hiking burns tons of calories. The faster and harder you push, the more you will burn. You can easily burn between 300-500 calories and hour, especially when carrying your lovable 17 pound bundle of joy!

5 benefits of hiking with baby

Do you love hiking with your baby? Tell my why or why not in the comments below!