Top 10 Takeaways from IdeaWorld and Blogfest


I’m joining TiffanyDebbieNatalie and Truitt Family Foods in sharing my Top 10 Takeaways from BlogFest 2015.  I was excited about BlogFest and the IdeaFit Fitness convention, which were going on at the same time, for many reasons, fitness experts AND writers all in the same room? Win-win! I had a blast, learned from the best and am looking forward to taking my training and my writing to a new level in the next few months. If you weren't able to attend, I'm going to share my to takeaways, experiences and advice. Settle in folks!


Here are my top 10 takeaways:

1) Train (and write) with a purpose! I have always known this but it's often just good to hear and reiterate to myself. I tend to train clients with a purpose, but often leave my training lacking. I'm just to tired to work on myself. Maybe I need to hire a trainer?

2) Life is about relationships. It always comes down to your interactions with others. They shape who you are and perhaps even future opportunities. Remember to always be nice and offer help to those who ask and maybe even those who don't. Build a relationship.

IdeaWorld Buddies

3) Quit Trying to Fit In - Katy Widrick spoke about being your own person. "Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out." Your blog, your fitness business, they are yours. Don't try to be someone else. You have to be true to you, believe in yourself and do what you love.

4) I love plyometrics. I thought I liked plyometrics before - but after taking an entire class on how to integrate them into a workout, I am in love!

5) The running community is strong. I have never met someone, gone on a run and not liked them. For some reason I can be instant friends and have endless things to talk about when it comes to running. I met some amazing runners at the #BeTruBlogFest Fun Run and now have more runners to follow, learn from and grow with. Have you checked out #WeRunSocial yet? You should, they were there giving away swag at the run and spreading the social running vibes.


6) Zumba Can Be Fun. I can't dance. These hips do not move. However, the founder of Zumba, Beto Perez, led a workout for us and broke down the steps in a way I could understand and I actually had fun! He then shared his amazing story of coming from nothing, selling his car and finally getting his class into a gym in LA. Now - his classes are taught all over the world! Inspiring. Go for your goals, no matter how unattainable they may seem. The sacrifice will be worth it.

Beto Perez

7) There is a fitness gadget for everything. Seriously, so many products. All you really need to get fit is your own body, a few dumbbells and commitment to fitness, but it's fun to see all the products you can get to assist you with a workout.

8) If you take hand weights on a plane, TSA will search your bag. Really - apparently being fit is suspicious. On the plus side, I think the TSA agent searching my bag will be attending IdeaWorld next year. She was really interested in the conference.

9) Nike Run Clubs are amazing! I attended a run at Nike Pasadena and had an absolute blast. Each NRC is coached and paced by Nike pacers trained to keep you running at your best. If you're training for a race, they have great training plans, schedules and coaches. One of their coaches, Sally McRae is a Nike Elite Trail Runner. She is amazing, by the way! Go check out your local NikeTown and join a run club today. Best of all, they are free!

Nike Running Pasadena NRC

10) If you are a trainer, you should really attend the IdeaWorld Fitness Conference. If you want to stay at the top of your game, learn new fitness modalities or refresh your knowledge, you need to attend this conference or one like it. It will truly set you apart from other trainers. With over 400 classes on training, business, group fitness and more, you won't be disappointed.

Bonus! I got to workout with Jillian Michaels!!!

Jillian Michaels Body Shred

Questions? Comments? Were you at IdeaWorld? What was your favorite takeaway from the conference. If you did not attend, what would you hope to learn at a conference like this?