Tips for Self Motivation


Motivation comes from within. Or at least it should. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You can, however, train yourself to SELF MOTIVATE.

Running itself is a constant battle. I don't know anyone who truly looks forward to a long 20+ mile run (though I am sure someone must exist). They look forward to the benefits, the scenery, the friends they meet along the way. The actual run is hard. It's painful and often ends in sore muscles, blisters and lost toenails.

Tips for self motivation

What are the secrets of those who seem to always be motivated?

  • Make a plan and anticipate that there will be obstacles in your way. Preparing yourself for this ahead of time helps you refuse to back out even if it's cold outside, raining or you forgot your lucky pair of socks.
  • Set realistic goals and plans. If you set goals that are attainable, you will be setting yourself up for success and inspired to push onward even when things get tough. Set small goals and add a new one every time you reach a milestone.
  • Tell your friends. The buddy system always helps. Ask a friend to be your accountability partner. Goal set with them and give them the power to push you in the direction of your dreams, even when you don't feel like it.
  • Write it down. Committing something to paper makes it more real. Post your goals around your house and you will always be motivated to reach them.
  • Focus on the process just as much as the finish. Enjoy the ride. If you enjoy every step towards your goals, you will be that much more motivated to keep pressing onward.

In everything that you do: Push harder than you think you can. Go for one more rep.