Thanks ACE! I'm Officially a Personal Trainer!

Many of you may know from my posts on Instagram and Twitter last week that I am now an ACE Certified Personal Trainer! I am very excited to share this news with you. The ACE program requires a lot of study and knowledge of the human body and how to train and I worked for quite a few months to prepare for the exam. I took the exam on October 24 and can say that the test was difficult and challenging in a good way. I felt well prepared for the types of questions that were involved and I also feel well prepared for my upcoming fitness career and my first clients.

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Not being one to want to take too much of a break I signed up to study and become a group fitness instructor as well. I want to be able to provide excellent instruction to my clients and provide many services to the gyms that might employ me. I also have a goal of becoming a Nike Training Club Instructor soon and hope these certifications, my experience and love for Nike all make me an ideal candidate.

I will be providing workout tips and fitness ideas on my blog to help you meet your goals! Stay tuned for a fun new workout series to challenge you!