Sprint Track Workout with a Parachute


It's been a bit since I posted a workout. Today I have a great one for you that will mix up your routine. I recently purchased a running parachute to use during sprint training and have been excited to try it out. Today was the perfect day because the temperatures were cool and there was a little breeze to add extra resistance. Sprint Track Workout with a Parachute

My goal this year is to increase my speed in running and there are a few tools I will be sharing with you that I am using to get there. I will be using my parachute, agility ladder, and adding weight training and body weight moves throughout the summer.

A running parachute is great because it's easy to pack with you and use at a local track. It's lightweight and gives that extra little push. You can find one at any sporting goods store, but I found mine for a great deal at Ross! It's branded by TKO and works well.

There are many different drills you can do with a parachute, but I just did basic sprints. Whether you have a parachute or not, you can still do these sprint drills. A parachute makes them more fun and more effective. Win-win!

Sprint Track Workout with a Parachute


  • Dynamic stretching (leg swings, side lunges, high knees)
  • 2-mile run around the track - medium effort


  • Five 50-meter sprints with parachute (30 seconds recovery)
  • Five 100-meter sprints with parachute (1-minute recovery)
  • Bonus: Sprint 50 meters and release the parachute with the quick release tab and continue for the final 50 meters. Repeat 3 times. 

Sprint Track Workout with a Parachute

Cool Down

  • 1-mile at an easy effort
  • Stretch hamstrings, calves and back. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.


  • Run into the wind to increase the resistance and get a better burn!
  • Have a friend hold the parachute up when you take off so you have resistance right away.

Sprint Track Workout with a Parachute

Remember to push yourself, but have fun with this drill! I felt like a kid again and am pretty sure the other walkers and joggers at the track got a kick out of watching my friend and I sprint with the parachute.

Let me know how you did in the comments below!