There is more speed in all of us. No matter where you are in life, you can train to get faster and to be better than you were yesterday. The great thing about training is that you never reach a place where you are good enough. Improvement is necessary, challenges are part of the growth process and you will never be 100% fit. Strength, power, speed and agility can always be improved. This last year my running has slowed down. Mainly due to a few nagging injuries and partly because of burnout. I lost some of my favorite training partners and am tired of running the same routes. I've recently gotten back into running 4 times a week - but some days I just don't feel like it.

Nike: Find Your FastPhoto: Nike

This July, Nike launched the Find Your Fast project. It's a training program built to get you to your fastest mile by August 30 (and it's free!). I signed up right away and printed out the full training plan. I need something to rejuvenate my running and this just happens to be it. It's a plan based on speed work and less on distance - so I will be able to focus on shorter runs and do many of my workouts on the track.

The plan itself is expertly laid out and gives you tips, exact workouts and a schedule to follow to get you to where you want to be with your training. No matter what your current mile pace, from 4 minutes to 30 minutes, you can sign up and work to increase the pace of your speed run. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy.

If you're looking to add a new running plan to your daily routine or want to get faster like I do, sign up! See you on the track.