See the World as Your Playground


I have many different likes and interests in fitness. I work at a local gym with both personal training clients and as a group fitness instructor. I also am a copy writer for the 8fit App. In one of my recent classes, I was told that I exuded the child-like glee of a kid on the playground or at recess. Excited and with a zest for fitness and what I am teaching. And it is absolutely true. I find pure joy in getting active and inspiring others to do the same. In everything I do I hope that someone else has been inspired to push themselves.

With that being said, how do you feel about working out or the time you spend in the gym? It shouldn't be a chore, you should absolutely love it. If you don't - then you should find something else. If you don't like the gym, find a sport. Try tennis or basketball. Take up fencing. Love the gym? Find a buddy to do weights with or attend group fitness classes. Just find what makes you happy and pursue it with your whole heart.

Swinging To New Challenges

My latest runs go by a park with monkey bars and I have to stop and take advantage. I get back to my grade school days and play around with swinging across them as well as doing some pull-ups. Not only is it fun, but it is great upper body strength work.

Find excitement and fun in the little things. Find ways to make fitness something you look forward to. When it is fun, it is more likely to stick. Don't be afraid to find your child-like joy. Why did you lose it in the first place? Life is more fun when you see the world as your playground.