Running is a Metaphor for Life


Running teaches me a lot about life and tenacity. It's never perfect, sometimes amazing and can bring me to tears. It's a journey that is never done and one that is always evolving and changing. Running is a Metaphor for Life

This blog started as a chronicle of my running and fitness training. It began as simply a fun project and morphed into an inspirational, motivational and coaching resource for runners and athletes of all types.

Running is a Metaphor for Life

If there is one thing running has taught me, it is to never give up. I always have something more to give and can push a little harder. In running, I can give one more mile, one more step. In life, I can learn a little more or stay a few minutes longer at work.

There are ups and downs, highs and lows, but running is always there. Life is always there. You have to push through set-backs and turn them into chances for more. Believe in more and work for it.

Where There is a Will There is a Way

If you believe in something so much, that you're willing to sacrifice everything, even your sanity to get it, then opportunities are bound to eventually come your way. When they aren't coming your way, you work harder. When you aren't getting faster in your race times, you change your game plan, you work harder. You hire a coach. You change your strategy.

Life isn't a one way road. It's a series of twists, turns, u-turns and dead ends. It's not always a freeway. Sometimes there are stop signs, yield signs and setbacks. But there is always a way to get to your destination eventually.

My Journey So Far

My career dream has always been to work with and for Nike. I wrote it on a piece of paper when I was nine. In college, I got close with an internship interview. And post-graduation I made it to the final round of the Nike Field Reporter competition. Every time feeling I was that much closer to my goal.

In 2012 I was a Nike Women's Marathon race ambassador and part of the Nike Zoom Project. Each time feeling closer and closer to my goal. But living so far away from Nike WHQ in Portland, as I was living in Ukiah, CA, made it difficult.

Fast forward to today, I've moved to Portland, OR and am on the hunt for that dream job at Nike. And while I want it to happen now, I don't know when it will happen. But a part of me has faith that it WILL happen.

Until then, I will keep running, training, studying and doing me. Stay tuned for updates along my journey and more running tips and posts on the Pacific Northwest in the future!