Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review


Yesterday I ran Women's Health Run 10 Feed 10 in San Francisco. This whole year I have been helping to promote this race as a Women's Health Action Hero and was looking forward to participating. I also have been working with a coach from Ekiden Coaching the past 6 weeks to help increase my speed. Race day I would finally see if all my training would pay off. Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review

I love girls weekends and I got with three of my best girl friends to go to San Francisco for some adventure the day before the race. We did some shopping, hit up the Nike Clearance Store in San Leandro and ate some delicious food. Friday was a lot of fun.

After all our shopping and adventuring we checked into our hotel in Emeryville for some rest before the big day. My two friends were running their first ever big city race and I was hoping for a PR of 50 minutes in the 10k.

Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review

Race Day

Saturday morning we woke up around 5:30am, grabbed coffee and headed over to the Run 10 Feed 10 start line. We allowed plenty of time to park at Sports Basement near Chrissy Field and then walked over to the start line at the West Bluff parking lot near the Golden Gate Bridge.

  Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review    So sleepy!

I met up with my Concrete Runner's Crew, took a few photos and then headed to the start line. The race was suppose to start at 8am, but it ended up starting at around 7:55 so I didn't get to finish my whole pre-race routine.

Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review

The race started on an incline all the way up to the bridge and I was on track to reach my goal for the first half of the race. But it all seemed to slip away somewhere in the middle. I was having side stitches for about two miles that slowed me down a bit and then my legs just felt heavy. It was a bit of a misty, drizzling day weather-wise, but this should not have slowed me down.

The Finish

Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review

I ended up finishing in 55:12. Way off my goal race pace. My takeaways, however, are pretty good. I felt like my coach coached me to a capable finish of 50 minutes, but the challenges of the day simply were too much. My side cramps slowed me down, my breathing was off during the first mile due to not finishing my pre-race warm-up and my legs for some reason were heavier than normal. I know that next time, if I continue this training, I will be able to get that 50 minute finish!

Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review

On the flip side, this race was beautiful, the views from the Golden Gate bridge were absolutely gorgeous and I enjoyed the run a lot.

The Run 10 Feed 10 Cause

This race is more about the cause, giving 10 meals to hungry families in my community. So PR or no PR, I was super happy with my finish and that I could be a part of this event. I hope to be back next year and absolutely crush my goal!

Run 10 Feed 10 Race in Review