Protein Superfood & Giveaway from Amazing Grass


Amazing Grass - Feel Amazing Everyday Giveaway! A few weeks ago an awesome package arrived from Amazing Grass. It included a full sized bottle of their Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Superfood, as well as a yoga towel, glass and reusable shopping bag. I was selected to test this vegan protein powder out as a part of my partnership with Fit Approach. I have been lifting more weights at the gym lately and focusing on nutrition, so this was a great addition to my routine.

Amazing Grass - Feel Amazing Everyday Giveaway!

The thing I like about this protein powder is that it not only has vegan, plant based protein, but also contains fruits and veggies. Oh, and it doesn't taste terrible! In fact, it tastes quite good, really! It's especially delicious when blended into a smoothie bowl, like the one pictured below. Read on for the full recipe!

Amazing Grass - Feel Amazing Everyday Giveaway!

Choco-Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Bowl with Amazing Grass

The Recipe

  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Peanut Butter Amazing Grass Protein Powder
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/2 cup chocolate coconut water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter (optional)

Blend, pour into a bowl, and top with 1-2 teaspoons each of:

  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sliced almonds
  • Ground flax seeds
  • Mini chocolate chips


This is one of the tastiest smoothie bowls I have made yet. It's perfect when you want to treat yourself to a healthy, protein and veggie rich, treat!

What are the benefits of Amazing Grass Protein Superfood

You get:

  • 7 Alkalizing Greens
  • Protein blend: Pea, Chia, Quinoa and Hemp
  • Fruits and vegetables: Beet, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Goji, Acai, Banana and more

The ingredients are all organic. With 20 grams of protein and no added sugar, it's perfect for post-workout fuel and muscle repair.

I'm not the biggest fan of any protein powder strictly mixed with water. So I generally put this in a smoothie or smoothie bowl, such as the recipe I provided above. If I must mix only with liquid, I always choose a non-dairy milk, such as coconut, which gives it a creamy texture. I'm generally not watching my calories, as I burn them off with all my activity, so this may be different for you depending on your goals.

Amazing Grass - Feel Amazing Everyday Giveaway!

Save now with discount and enter to win your own below

What are you waiting for? This protein powder is too good to pass up. With 20 grams of plant based protein, greens and fruits and veggies, you can't go wrong. Go get yourself some and give it a try! Save 30% on online orders with code: SWEATPINKKaren16 (expires 5/31/2015). You can also win your own!

Amazing Grass - Feel Amazing Everyday Giveaway!

Enter to win a full size container of Protein Superfood in the rafflecopter giveaway below, the flavor is up to you:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a full size product and gift basket in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.