North Olympic Discovery Half Marathon Training


Since moving to Portland, my husband and I had been living out of suitcases in a temporary apartment and this last week we finally moved into our new house! Why is this important? Because now I feel settled, now I feel like I can train like I was meant to. And now race day is closing in on me. But I'm excited to run the North Olympic Discovery Marathon no matter what my time is. North Olympic Discovery Marathon

I love the coastal views that Northern Washington provides and the fun atmosphere of these types of races. So I'm excited to see how I do and for the great weekend it will be of running through a new place! While I am running the half marathon, you can also run a full marathon here.

Why I'm Running the Half Marathon

I chose to run the half marathon for a few reasons.

  • I didn't have time (couldn't commit to the time) for a full 26.2 miles during my move
  • The house for the half seems gorgeous and scenic
  • My goal this year was to challenge myself by running more half marathons, faster

My goals this year may be different than last year. This year I really want to have fun with running. I want to put less pressure on myself to succeed and see how that pans out with my race times.

Training Update

North Olympic Discovery Marathon Training

Training. What can I say? This year has been hard. One of the worst starts to a year with training that I have ever had. I really can't blame much for this either. It simply has been a result of my own lack of discipline. Sure, we moved, but there is no excuse for not having a place to run. You can literally run anywhere.

With that being said. I still plan to race my heart out. I plan to enjoy every moment of excitement and every moment of pain. I want to experience it all and have fun doing it. Anyone else feel like that?

Come Run with Me

It's not too late for you to register to run with me either! All you have to do is sign up online. You can even get a discount on the race with code: BIBRAVE. I really hope to see you there! It's going to be a blast. Plus - look at those awesome half zip shirts! I love race that gives out a long-sleeve shirt, so functional!