Marin Running Festival - Come Run with Me


Disclaimer: I received a free race registration for the Marin Running Festival as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews! Bank of Marin Running Festival

Come Run Marin with Me

Coming up on May 22, 2016, I am running the Bank of Marin Running Festival 10k. I am beyond excited to be running this race for a few reasons.

One: I love Marin County, it's beautiful and any excuse to go there is a plus and if a run is involved, even better!

Two: I rarely run 10k races, but want to focus more on speed and shorter distances this year, so this is perfect.

Three: If you run three of the four races in this series from now until October, you can participate in a VIP festival at the final race and get a bonus medal.

Four: I have a discount to share with you all and it saves you $$$. Save 15% with code: BIBRAVE and register here.

What's Exciting About the Race?

Dean Karnazes, also known as "ultramarathonman," will be there running the half marathon and cheering on runners. I actually met him at the Healdsburg Half Marathon a few years ago and he is very inspiring. He'll make you believe you can run forever!

It's a running festival, which means that everyone can run! There is a half marathon, 10k, 5k, corporate challenge and Run Like a Girl 1 mile run for girls 12 or younger.

There is a challenge! The Tri City Challenge involves running 3 of 4 races and finishing at the Tiburon Race on October 2, 2016. When you complete the challenge you get a huge bonus medal, VIP experience and a special vest.

Bank of Marin Running Festival

This race has a lot of swag! Hi tech t-shirt and huge finisher medal for this race alone.

This is the premier running event in Marin County and right next to San Francisco. Make it into a great weekend in the city and the Bay!

Best of all - you can come run with me and we can take some awesome race selfies! You know you look forward to that. Let me know if I will see you there!