Getting #PooleFit on the Paddle Board


I've wanted a paddle board for a long time. The cost and my limited space to store one was always what held me back. Living right next to a lake, it just seemed like a shame not to have a paddle board, kayak, or boat to take out whenever I wanted. Luckily, I found a great deal on an inflatable paddle board from Sevylor. Getting #PooleFit on the Paddle Board

I know, summer is almost over, but it's ok! There are still quite a few sunny days left and when I master it, I won't have to worry about falling in the water. Hopefully I can take it out, even on cooler days.

Why did I want a paddle board?

So many reasons! For one, a paddle board is just plain fun. Two, it's a great workout. Three, to finally be able to utilize my local lake a bit more.

Getting #PooleFit on the Paddle Board

Paddle boarding works your core muscles, arms, and back. It can also be a full body workout and if you are flexy and coordinated, or working on it, you can do Stand Up Paddle Yoga! I will be attempting this, but I know I will be falling into the water a few times.

Your #PooleFit Paddle Board Workout

As a trainer, of course I have to share a fun beginner paddle board workout. If this is your first time paddle boarding, take it slow and easy. Start on your knees, then work your way up to standing! You may feel a little unstable at first, but that's natural. What's the worst that can happen? You may get a little wet.

Getting #PooleFit on the Paddle Board

  • Start with a 5 minute seated paddle (sit cross legged on the paddle board)
  • Get up on your knees for the next 5 minutes and paddle, alternating sides.
  • Finally - start to stand! If you are stable - paddle around for 10-20 minutes, resting as needed. Standing works your whole body. Your stabilizer muscles, back, legs, core and arms.

Remember to have fun!

Getting #PooleFit on the Paddle Board