Get Outdoors to Mix Up Your Workout


Cross training and running can just be more fun when they are outdoors. The gym has it's time and place (I ran a 5-miler on the treadmill and finished with a tabata class tonight) but heading outdoors can be better for so many reasons. Under Armour Running Outdoors

Why Working Out Outdoors is Better

The scenery - Hills, mountains, parks and rivers. Breathtaking! At least now that we finally have water in California - and I am no longer running on the lake bottom. Nature's artwork is the best there is.

The fresh air - If you live in a big city your air might not be as fresh as the country air where I live (but you do get so many awesome fitness studios!). It can still rejuvenate your exercise routine. Just try to avoid hight traffic and smog times. Or better yet, if you live in the city, head to the country on weekends and get in a good trail run in the fresh, crisp air!

No gym fees -  Nature is free-ninety nine! So save that money for something else - like that pair of kicks you've been eyeing or your post-workout smoothie.

You don't have to fight for equipment - the gym is always busy, especially during peak hours. Finding a machine or lifting in the weight room can turn into fighting like cats and dogs. Nobody wants that. Take your fitness outside and use nature or your own bodyweight as your equipment.

No time constraints - You never have to worry about opening and closing hours. The outdoors are open 24/7 and 365 days a year! You might need to layer up in winter and cool off in summer, but you will never be locked out.

Don't Take Nature for Granted

Nature is a gift that we often take for granted. With cities becoming concrete jungles, finding a way to workout outdoors can connect you with an environment you otherwise would have missed. What's your favorite reason to take your workout outside?