Commit to Your Goals

Commitment is a lot easier said then done. It's easy to commit to do something and then when it comes right down to it you back out. I usually think long and hard about a choice before I say yes or no, especially if a long term commitment is necessary. My recent commitment was to building strength in my core, arms and back. I have done very well staying committed to working out and lifting, but with my commitment to the diet part of making my abs pop, I have been slacking. As a general rule, abs are made in the kitchen (80% diet, 20% exercise), and I have not fully given up my delicious chai tea latte's or dark chocolate. In short, I know why I haven't reached my goals and I am ready to make a commitment to cleaning up my diet. So what does this mean for me? It means eating clean 80% of the time and indulging only a few times a week. It also means drinking lots of water. At least the recommended 64 ounces a day and aiming for closer to 100 ounces.

Here is what is on my grocery list:

  • Fresh Vegetables
  • Leafy Greens (spinach, kale)
  • Tofu
  • Salads with protein
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Lean Meat (I am a vegetarian, but this is a great option for meat eaters like my husband)
  • Protein Powder
  • Fruits (limited quantities)

I am also committing to lifting weights 3 times a week, along with my running training and doing core workouts 5 days a week. Nothing in life worth having comes easy and I am learning to embrace the struggle.

Being fit and sharing my journey, struggles, successes and goals is what makes me happy and I want to take this journey with you. What is a goal you have been working towards? Join me and commit to working towards that goal. Let me know in the comments and we can hold each other accountable and come up with a game plan.

Happy Training!