Berry Protein Smoothie

Proper hydration is important for everyone, but especially runners. One of my favorite forms of hydration is a smoothie. It is a well known fact that you should get some type of nutrition (carbs and protein) in your body within 30 minutes of a tough workout, especially those hard workouts that last more than 60 minutes. The sooner you replenish lost calories, the sooner your body can go about repairing your muscles. Post-workout smoothies are great for replenishing lost calories, rebuilding muscle and rehydrating. The great thing about smoothies is that you can often just use what you have in your fridge and freezer and don't always have to have a recipe. Recently, I made this Berry Protein Smoothie  and loved it so I am sharing the recipe with you. Enjoy!

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For other smoothie ideas for runners, check out these delicious recipes from Runner's World. Smoothies are a great way to get whole foods, vitamins and nutrients in a quick, easy to digest form. Do you have any favorite smoothie recipes? Share them with me. I would love to give them a try!