Apologies - I Didn't Run Away!

I should first apologize for my absence. Some people have the summer of fun, summer of running, summer of NikeFuel, and I have the summer of weddings! Four in a row, nine we are attending and between my husband and I we are in five of them! Blogging, running, sleeping in my own bed and our vacation budget has all taken a huge hit. It's worth it to share this time with our friends but other aspects of my life have been suffering.

I had all these grand training plans for summer and they just haven't happened. Some of it is my fault and some has been unavoidable. I planned on already having sat for my personal trainer exam, but had to push my preferred test date back to October due to conflicts with my schedule on earlier testing dates in my area. I'm disappointed, but I haven't been able to study as much as I wanted to, so this will give me a chance to do it.

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As for the before mentioned, Summer of NikeFuel contest, I haven't been able to compete as well as I would have hoped. Life happens and I will still try, but exercising, running and working out for 2-3 hours a day like I use to be able to do is just not feasible. I think it will be once I'm certified as a personal trainer and can use that time working out instead of studying. All in due time. If you have a chance be sure to participate in the contest, there is an awesome prize at the end!

In my racing world, I ran the Zooma Napa Valley Half Marathon on June 28th (race recap coming soon), I will run the San Francisco Half Marathon on July 27th and I start training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco the beginning of August. I am so excited for this race! I can't wait to see so many of my running friends again and connect with them all! Let me know if you are going to be there! I hope to have a #tweetup at the expo and meet you all in person! 

Goodbye for now! I promise I won't be absent for so long on the blog in the future!