More than a city, more than a race
Portland is home to some of the most beautiful sunsets I have set eyes on. Say what you will about the rain, but it can lead to incredible displays of color reflecting off the clouds after a Portland rain storm.
Logan sharing the sunset with his favorite stuffed Toothless.
Last night, after a perfect summer day, the sky was filled with clouds, rain, thunder and lightening. It couldn’t have lasted more than an hour and then it gave way to cloud formations and the most awe-inspiring palate of colors painted across the sky.
We are lucky enough to have a view of these incredible sunsets from our house and every time I see them, I am inspired and reminded how lucky I have been to call this home. Since having Logan, I have fed my soul with baby snuggles, giggles and moments. I’ve slowed down life, slowed down running and tried to just ENJOY more LIFE.
When you have something taken away, you appreciate it more. With Logan, I had running and fitness taken away while I healed from a c-section surgery. With Portland, I have found my home, but even that seems fleeting, like something that could be taken away at any moment. Nothing is certain in life and every time I seem to think it is, something shifts.
In all things, I’m trying to find joy, even when it’s hard. I’m focusing on living in the moment. I’m doing what brings me joy. With that, I have committed to jumping back into runing with a challenging race in my favorite state, running through my home city. I have committed to run Hood to Coast.
This commitment was not taken lightly and I spent almost a week weighing the pros and cons.
Comeback race post baby
Get to run with a high-school friend and reconnect
Run through my home city in my favorite race - may be my last chance in the foreseeable future
Reason to push myself at the gym and in running more than I have been
Make new friends (because sharing a van with 5 other people for 24-hours will do that!)
Not as fit as when I ran the race pre-baby
Living situation up in the air
First night spent away from Logan (probably makes me even more sad than him)
Once I said yes, I was still filled with anxiety.
"Did I make the right decision?” “Am I fit enough?” “What did I get in to?”
All valid responses, but not ones I want to entertain. New things - even old situations that become new again - can be challenging.
With 57 days until the race, I have decided to share this journey here. Most importantly, for me to be able to remember this journey and see how the training and racing unfolds. I’m done with waiting and planning to do things in the future. With life’s uncertainties, if I want to do something, I am going to do it now. No more waiting.