My Goals for Making 2014 a Fantastic Year!

This past year has been one of many amazing experiences for me. Looking back I had multiple priceless opportunities to advance my fitness career and learn more about sports and social media. Each opportunity came to me because of my hard work and dedication. Many people told me that I would not be where I am today, and that I wouldn't make it, while many more supported and encouraged me. As much as I would like to hear positivity from everyone - both have motivated me. The doubters to prove them wrong and the supporters to prove them right. 

I can't thank these people and companies enough for making 2013 a great year:

I want to keep dreaming bigger every year. In 2014, I have a few goals and I know that writing them down makes it more likely that I will achieve them. Here are my top 10 goals for 2014:

  • Become a Certified Running Coach (class schedule for April with Road Runners Club of America)
  • Become an NASM personal trainer
  • Become a Nike Training Club (NTC) personal trainer
  • Beat my half marathon PR time of 1:53 - goal of 1:45
  • Rebrand my blog and have a fitness workout page
  • Work as a fitness model
  • Work with Nike Running
  • Expand my social media influence and knowledge
  • Become a founder of a Run Crew
  • Never miss an opportunity
Setting goals is so important for me every year. Last year I was able to achieve many of my goals because I had written them down and created a clear path to achieving them. This coming year I plan to work harder to achieve my goals and to help you achieve yours along the way. 

What are your goals for 2014? Let me know and we can keep each other accountable! 

Karen Poole2014 goals, Dreams, NTC, Nike