NTC November Challenge

Halloween is over and November has arrived. You know what that means. Treats, baked goods and cozy sweaters. In an effort to keep myself on track I am creating a November Nike Training Club (NTC) challenge.

To join, all you have to do is commit to doing a 30 minute workout every day using the NTC app on your phone. The app is available for both iPhone and Android. If you live in an area that hosts live NTC classes those count as well! Remember to vary your workouts between cardio, strength and the stretching/yoga workouts so you don't overtrain any one muscle group.

Simply let me know you are joining in the comments below and tweet your progress on Twitter and share on Instagram using the hashtag #NTCNOVEMBER30 and #NTC. Let @nikewomen and your friends know you're participating in the challenge too! The more the merrier!

Be sure to keep track of your progress and send out those tweets. At the end of the challenge I plan to have at least one prize pack for a lucky winner!